{$CLEO} 0000: 0390: load_txd_dictionary 'cross' 038F: load_texture 'cross' as 50 while true wait 0 0054: store_player $player_char position_to 0@ 1@ 2@ gosub @AimingCheck 05F5: call_scm_func @weapon_meelee_check 0 6@ 05E0: 9@ = read_memory 0x006F1E61 size 1 virtual_protect 1 //rmb if and 6@ == false 5@ > 0 9@ <> 0 //00E1: player 0 pressed_key 6 //Aim key then 05F5: call_scm_func @draw_texture params 9 _and it is - position 335.22 174.52 size 8.0 9.0 RGBA 255 255 255 5@ texture_id 50 end if 05EF: 13@ = random_actor_near_point 0@ 1@ 2@ in_radius 550.0 find_next 0 pass_deads 0 //IF and SET then repeat 05E6: 10@ = actor 13@ struct 10@ += 0x51E //10@ += 0x4 05E0: 11@ = read_memory 10@ size 1 virtual_protect 1 //05E9: 11@ = ped_struct 11@ handle if and 12@ == 0 //003C: $player_actor == 11@ // (int) 11@ < 0xFF 02D5: player $PLAYER_CHAR firing_weapons_in_rectangle 0@ 1@ 0@ 1@ 0 then 5@ = 255 05DF: write_memory 10@ size 1 value 0xFF virtual_protect 1 end until 85EF: not 13@ = random_actor_near_point 0@ 1@ 2@ in_radius 550.0 find_next 1 pass_deads 0 //IF and SET end 5@ -= 10 if 5@ < 0 then 5@ = 0 end end :draw_texture {example: 05F5: call_scm_func @draw_texture params 9 _and it is - position 220.0 170.0 size 191.25 170.0 RGBA 255 255 255 255 texture_id 1 } 05E5: 15@ = game_version if 15@ == 0 then 05E0: 9@ = read_memory 0x943010 size 4 virtual_protect 1 //X 1920 05E0: 10@ = read_memory 0x943014 size 4 virtual_protect 1 //Y 1080 else 05E0: 9@ = read_memory 0x9431C8 size 4 virtual_protect 1 //X 1920 05E0: 10@ = read_memory 0x9431CC size 4 virtual_protect 1 //Y 1080 end 0093: 9@ = integer 9@ to_float 0093: 10@ = integer 10@ to_float //coordX = sa_coordX*(currentResX/640.0) 0015: 9@ /= 640.0 // currentResX/640.0 0069: 0@ *= 9@ // floating-point values 0015: 10@ /= 448.0 // currentResY/448.0 0069: 1@ *= 10@ // floating-point values 0069: 2@ *= 9@ // floating-point values 0069: 3@ *= 10@ // floating-point values 03F0: enable_text_draw 1 038D: draw_texture 8@ position 0@ 1@ size 2@ 3@ RGBA 4@ 5@ 6@ 7@ 05F6: ret 0 :AimingCheck 05E6: 12@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR struct 12@ += 0x224 05E0: 12@ = read_memory 12@ size 1 virtual_protect 1 if 12@ <> 0xC then 12@ = false else 12@ = true end return :weapon_meelee_check if or 02D7: player $PLAYER_CHAR currentweapon == 0 02D7: player $PLAYER_CHAR currentweapon == 1 02D7: player $PLAYER_CHAR currentweapon == 7 02D7: player $PLAYER_CHAR currentweapon == 8 02D7: player $PLAYER_CHAR currentweapon == 9 02D7: player $PLAYER_CHAR currentweapon == 10 02D7: player $PLAYER_CHAR currentweapon == 11 02D7: player $PLAYER_CHAR currentweapon == 12 then 05F6: ret 1 true end 05F6: ret 1 false